Prenatal & Newborn Sleep Packages
(0 - 15 weeks)
It’s never too early to start implementing healthy sleep habits

Let’s set you and your newborn up with a healthy sleep foundation right from the start!
The newborn stage isn’t the time to start formal sleep training methods. Newborns need a lot of help and aren’t able to self soothe.
During the fourth trimester my goal is to help you build confidence in your ability to support your baby’s sleep needs, honour their age appropriate wake windows, and lay the foundation for sleep success.
Essentially the efforts you’ll make with your newborn will help them shape how they understand sleep and what connections they hold to being able to fall asleep.
Does this sound like your experience?
During the months leading up to the birth of your baby, you have probably spent countless hours researching products, curating your baby registry and folding tiny clothes. Finally, the day arrives, and you bring your new baby home!
It’s been said before that ‘experience is the best teacher,’ but you’ve got lots of new questions, things you hadn’t even considered you’d need to know. You feel the exhaustion kicking in as you search Google and Facebook mom’s groups for the answer to your latest newborn concern. You now wish you had spent more time leading up to the birth researching infant sleep, feeding methods, postpartum supports or meal-prepping delicious freezer meals.
Your entire family dynamic has just changed, and even positive changes take some time to get used to. So many things compete for your attention in the fourth trimester, which makes it hard to dedicate time to reading books about baby sleep or scouring Google for answers to your pressing questions.
When the exhaustion begins to build, it’s easy to start habits we said we’d never entertain. Sleep deprivation can cause parents to rethink their plans quickly. This is often the phase when sleep props are introduced and established.
Together we will create the optimal environment for your newborn to learn and develop healthy sleep habits. This is a time to gently establish loose routines and assist your little one with differentiating daytime from nighttime.
The fourth trimester is such a special time so relish in that gorgeous new babe of yours.
Let’s remove the confusion and anxiety around your newborn's sleep.
You’ll go into the fourth trimester feeling more confident in all the decisions you’ll have to navigate. Clarity becomes more manageable when you’re well-rested and your needs are met.
Sleep consultants are trained professionals who take the mystery out of sleep issues. They gather information about your current situation, struggles, and parenting preferences. A sleep coach will then create a sleep plan with easy-to-follow steps. A certified pediatric sleep consultant’s most significant role is connecting with and supporting a family as the plan is implemented. I’m here to cheer you on and answer any questions that come up during the process. Sometimes tweaks need to be made to wake windows or the daily schedule, and I’ll be the one to guide and educate you on how to navigate those changes. The support portion of my work is where the value comes in. I spend time connecting with my families and supporting them as they implement their plan.
Although cry-it-out can be an effective sleep training method (if done correctly), I do not use it with any of the families I support. I find that when families come to me, they are looking for a holistic, supportive and responsive method to improve their child’s sleep situation. No one approach is 100% tears-free, but I do all I can to minimize the intensity and length of the protest.
All human beings, no matter their age, resist change to one degree or another, especially when it impacts their sleep environment or habits. For infants and young children crying is the only way these displeasures can be communicated. We’ll spend time together reframing what crying means during the sleep training process, and I’ll do all I can to ease your mind when faced with your child’s protests to change.
I want you to understand and feel comfortable that there will be a certain level of protest from your babe as we alter their sleep situation. Your little one’s personality, along with other factors will play into how much protest we see.
Remember that change can be challenging for anyone, and children often process their big emotions through tears. The good news is that no matter the level of protest at the beginning, most families notice a dramatic decrease in tears and protest within 3-5 days of implementing their plan. Once your little one gets more quality sleep, you will likely also see an improved mood, fewer midday meltdowns and less time spent protesting the new sleep structure. Sleep is a powerful tool for physical health, emotional regulation, and overall mood.
I work with families who are struggling with one or more aspects connected to their child’s sleep. My focus is on the 0 to 5 year age range. Every family dynamic is different, so I’m ready to personalize sleep for your home.
Regardless of your parenting title (single, co-parenting, foster, of multiples, first timer, seasoned, involved grandparent, etc.) I’m here to support you in all things sleep.
I want to work with families committed to the process; making changes can sometimes be challenging, but the effort is well worth the reward! I’ll be there to support you every step of the way. With the modern benefits of technology, I work with families internationally, even though I’m based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’m accommodating of different time zones, so don’t let that deter you from us working together!
I prefer to work on sleep holistically and gently. My custom sleep plans typically involve a parent-present approach, which offers support and comfort for your little one. The goal is NOT to have YOU fix your child’s sleep issues but instead support THEM as they build confidence in their ability to fall asleep independently.
My philosophy is that quality sleep factors in many details that take place throughout a 24- hour day. I like to dive into screen time usage, nutrition, exercise, and other aspects to pinpoint any external causes of sleep disturbances.
Sleep is complex, and because of that, I want to present your family with a method that feels doable and realistic, but will also allow you to achieve your goals. My goal is to prepare a sustainable plan that works for your family. Let’s get your entire household feeling rested and rejuvenated!
Many factors influence how soon a family will see changes
in their child’s sleep. The age of the child, which sleep issue(s) we are looking to resolve and how consistent you are in following the plan, all influence this timeline.
Each child’s personality is different, so it can be hard to answer this question definitively. I will say that when families are committed and consistent, they notice changes within the first week (sometimes in as little as a few days).
Lasting change takes time and consistency, so I ask my family to give 100% to the sleep plan while working together. We want to establish a new routine for your little one and not cause confusion to their body clock through inconsistently following the plan.
Nighttime sleep often comes together faster than if we were looking to improve early morning wakings or naps. As long as a family stays consistent in their approach, these issues typically resolve within 4-6 weeks. This is one of the main reasons I prefer to offer longer packages. My goal is to help you achieve your desired results and have support as you get there. I know there is a higher success rate of lasting change if you feel confident in your child’s new routine.
Nope! I’d never ask you to give up feeds during the night unless you want to make that transition and your child meets specific criteria to do so.
There are benefits to dropping night feeds (or reducing the number of them) in particular cases. Pediatrician approval, medical concerns and your child’s age play into how many feeds should occur throughout the night. Sometimes when baby starts to get more sleep, they drop feeds on their own. It’s incredible to see this transition happen naturally when a baby favours sleep over a comfort feed.
If a parent chooses to keep a comfort night feed, I make sure to cover realistic expectations around sleep goals they have set. Keeping a sleep prop typically involves slower or less progress and this is a choice that some families consciously make. For some parents, any improvement to sleep is a win and for others, meeting a desired goal requires letting go of props completely. Each family is different and knows what is sustainable for them long term. I do not judge but will be clear about the outcomes of ‘cherry picking’ the advice within your sleep plan.
Some families I talk to believe their child is beyond help and are genuinely skeptical that positive change can be made.
My goal is to set you up for success. I will ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire before beginning our work together so I can understand your current situation, sleep goals, and family values. Although I cannot do the work for you, I will be available to answer questions or concerns that rise up, cheer you on and support you as you implement the plan.
There will be an improvement for families that honestly and consistently adhere to the custom plan I have created for them. Those families that don’t completely reach their goals have often been inconsistent in their approach (which causes confusion for their little ones), or it might take a little more time staying committed to the plan before you see the full benefit of your efforts. Some sleep changes take a little longer to stick because internal body clocks can take on average of 4-6 weeks to adjust. Keep up the good work and continue to follow the plan and in time you’ll see improvements.
Luckily most pediatric sleep issues are behavioural and not medical, so results can be seen during our time together.
Of the very few who do not meet their goals, there is often an undiagnosed underlying medical condition at play. I am not your child’s medical professional, but if I see any red flags, I will advise you to follow up with a trained and qualified medical professional. Health issues that can negatively impact sleep include sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, food intolerances, allergies, lip or tongue ties, etc. If your child has been diagnosed with any of these concerns and they are being managed through a medical professional, it is still possible to see improvements in sleep and reach your rest goals. Sometimes progress is slower in these situations, but it does come.
No matter how you choose to feed your baby, you can establish healthy sleep habits right from the beginning.
For breastfeeding mothers, quality sleep for both you and baby can actually improve your nursing relationship. If a mother struggles with chronic sleep deprivation, it can affect her mood, nutrition intake and negatively impact her milk supply.
If your baby is constantly in a state of over-tiredness, it can cause hyperarousal and irritability, which can make feeds more challenging. Also, a baby dealing with chronic fatigue often falls asleep during feeds, which can turn off our feed into a snack and snooze. I’m a massive supporter of sleeping in for it, so we will make sure our customer’s plan accommodates both
I never want money to be the deciding factor in getting more quality sleep. Rest assured, I do offer payment options! We can discuss a payment plan that works for your family in more detail as we work together.
In your support packages we’ll cover:
Ideal wake windows as your baby grows.
The science behind newborn sleep.
Tips to recognize sleep and hunger cues.
Your baby’s daily sleep requirements for the first 16 weeks of life.
When and how to start a bedtime routine.
How to handle night wakings with confidence.
Establishing a safe and optimal sleep environment
Soothing strategies
How to structure feeds during the night (yes you can make both sleep and breastfeeding/bottle feeding a priority at the same time!)
And much more!

See What "Phans" of Sleep Are Saying
"Within the first few days of our sleep plan we were already seeing remarkable results with our baby girl"
We cannot express enough into words how grateful we are for our experience we had working along side of Phan of Sleep! Jenna taught us so many great things and gave us great guidance for receiving better sleep for us as a family. Jenna knows her stuff! She is very kind, loving and always there when needed. Any question you come across dealing with sleep, Phan of Sleep is the source to look towards. Within the first few days of our sleep plan we were already seeing remarkable results with our baby girl. It was fun to learn how best to guide our Lilly and helping her in the best ways to receiving better sleep. It was an overall positive experience for us all. Don’t hesitate in doing this. If you, your kiddos, and your family in general aren’t giving your body and mind the rest that they do deserve. Then you need to get with Phan of Sleep because we all our “Fans” of getting better sleep. 😁

Payson, UT, USA
"Jenna is an absolute gem to work with and will be your rock through it all!"
I am so extremely grateful for Jenna! 2.5 years ago she gave me the tools and guidance I needed to sleep train my 5 month old son. She gave this mom peace of mind and the sleep I needed to be a better mom to my kids. Now here I am 2.5 years later sleep training my 8 month old baby using the same techniques and tools. Sleep training my kids has really been the best decision for our family. Jenna is an absolute gem to work with and will be your rock through it all!

Edmonton, AB, Canada
"My husband, who was very anti-sleep training for a long time, soon realized this was the best thing and completely gentle for our sensitive, affectionate little girl"
Oh my word, Jenna seriously saved both my husbands and my sanity! Our little girl was waking up 3-4 times a night and barely napping—it got so bad that it started to affect aspects of our marriage. We were so sleep deprived that my postpartum depression grew worse and worse. Once I started working with Jenna things FINALLY got better! My husband was super hesitant to do sleep training and we were both concerned and not wanting to implement certain methods like “cry it out.” The best part is that Jenna created a completely tailored sleep program just for us based on our little girls personality and age! As soon as we started following Jenna’s sleep coaching, it’s like everything clicked! Our little girl started sleeping 100% better within 3 DAYS. My husband, who was very anti-sleep training for a long time, soon realized this was the best thing and completely gentle for our sensitive, affectionate little girl. He tells me even now, several months later, how glad he is that we went to Jenna! I honestly can’t recommend her enough! She’s so supportive, caring & so THERE for you if you have questions or if you need encouragement. I’m so incredibly grateful we did Jenna’s sleep program. It was the best decision we made for us and our little girl!

Calgary, AB, Canada
Read More Testimonials

Expert prenatal/newborn sleep support is for you if:
You’re near the end of your pregnancy or you’ve recently brought your baby home and want to start sleep off on the right track.
You’d appreciate the extra support and check in’s during your fourth trimester.
You don’t want sleep deprivation to hold you back from honouring your needs and prioritizing your most important relationships.
What you’ll gain from establishing a healthy sleep foundation for your 0-15 week old newborn:
You are better able to navigate postpartum emotions because you’re able to spend more time resting and recovering.
Your newborn will get the rest they need for proper growth and cognitive development.
You have more confidence as you take on all the new experiences of motherhood/ fatherhood.
Your babe will be more alert and happier during the day. Well rested newborns typically feed better than overtired newborns do.
You begin to feel more like yourself and have clarity as you decipher the cues your baby is communicating to you.
Newborns who have a routine established early on often adjust better to formal sleep training once they pass through the fourth month regression.
The Process

Discovery call
Book a free discovery call OR purchase through the ‘Buy Now’ option on my website.
If you’re still on the fence and would like to connect through a phone call or zoom chat, then you can book a free 15-minute call to get a feel for who I am and how I can help your family reclaim rest.
After our chat, I’ll send you an email detailing the specifics of each sleep package. I find it's helpful to review the options again with your parenting partner so you can both decide what level of support would be best for your family.
If you already know which package option you'd prefer, go ahead and purchase using the ‘Buy Now’ option on my website.

Complete your sleep questionnaire.
I’ll send you a form asking questions related to your child’s typical eating and sleep habits.
This questionnaire helps me learn more about your family’s current situation and desired sleep goals so I can customize a sleep plan to set you and your child up for success.

Get started
Let’s get started!
We will select a date and time to review all the details of your child's custom sleep plan. During your plan review I'll clarify any questions or concerns you may have.
Once we have discussed your plan, we’ll pick a date to start. As you implement your individual plan, I'll guide and support you through the process.
During our time together, we’ll be in touch through the Rested app (sleep log, chat and voice memos) along with email and any phone calls as outlined in your chosen sleep package.
This is the step where families find sleep success! Yes, you can search for a generic plan on the internet. Still, nothing beats the dedicated support you receive through working one-on-one with a sleep consultant. I’m here to support and encourage you!

Enjoy the zzzz’s.
Plan wrap-up.
As our time together comes to a close, let's celebrate the wins and achievements along the way!
You (and your child) have done the hard work and now the focus shifts to maintenance (and enjoying those extra zzzz's)!
We'll schedule a wrap up call to review the journey and discuss how to safeguard those newly established independent sleep skills for the future.
After our call I'll send you any applicable documents that can be referenced as needed in the future.
About Jenna
Hi there, I’m Jenna is a wife, mother, and Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. My bedroom is my favourite place in my home, and for as long as I can remember, sleep has always been so important to me!
By ensuring we have enough quality rest, we can better show up to parenthood with patience, compassion, and love. Our children also benefit significantly from being well-rested. The early years are critical for physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. Getting adequate rest aids in every aspect of health and well-being.
I understand the anxiety a new mom or dad can feel around sleep. As we work together, I’ll help you establish a sustainable routine, troubleshoot any concerns and guide you through the process so your child (and you!) can get more consolidated rest. Parenthood exposes us to many challenges and learning opportunities, but there is no need to go through sleep challenges alone. I’m here for you!
Sleep consultants are trained professionals who take the mystery out of sleep issues. They gather information about your current situation, struggles, and parenting preferences. A sleep coach will then create a sleep plan with easy-to-follow steps. A certified pediatric sleep consultant’s most significant role is connecting with and supporting a family as the plan is implemented. I’m here to cheer you on and answer any questions that come up during the process. Sometimes tweaks need to be made to wake windows or the daily schedule, and I’ll be the one to guide and educate you on how to navigate those changes. The support portion of my work is where the value comes in. I spend time connecting with my families and supporting them as they implement their plan.
Although cry-it-out can be an effective sleep training method (if done correctly), I do not use it with any of the families I support. I find that when families come to me, they are looking for a holistic, supportive and responsive method to improve their child’s sleep situation. No one approach is 100% tears-free, but I do all I can to minimize the intensity and length of the protest.
All human beings, no matter their age, resist change to one degree or another, especially when it impacts their sleep environment or habits. For infants and young children crying is the only way these displeasures can be communicated. We’ll spend time together reframing what crying means during the sleep training process, and I’ll do all I can to ease your mind when faced with your child’s protests to change.
I want you to understand and feel comfortable that there will be a certain level of protest from your babe as we alter their sleep situation. Your little one’s personality, along with other factors will play into how much protest we see.
Remember that change can be challenging for anyone, and children often process their big emotions through tears. The good news is that no matter the level of protest at the beginning, most families notice a dramatic decrease in tears and protest within 3-5 days of implementing their plan. Once your little one gets more quality sleep, you will likely also see an improved mood, fewer midday meltdowns and less time spent protesting the new sleep structure. Sleep is a powerful tool for physical health, emotional regulation, and overall mood.
I work with families who are struggling with one or more aspects connected to their child’s sleep. My focus is on the 0 to 5 year age range. Every family dynamic is different, so I’m ready to personalize sleep for your home.
Regardless of your parenting title (single, co-parenting, foster, of multiples, first timer, seasoned, involved grandparent, etc.) I’m here to support you in all things sleep.
I want to work with families committed to the process; making changes can sometimes be challenging, but the effort is well worth the reward! I’ll be there to support you every step of the way. With the modern benefits of technology, I work with families internationally, even though I’m based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’m accommodating of different time zones, so don’t let that deter you from us working together!
I prefer to work on sleep holistically and gently. My custom sleep plans typically involve a parent-present approach, which offers support and comfort for your little one. The goal is NOT to have YOU fix your child’s sleep issues but instead support THEM as they build confidence in their ability to fall asleep independently.
My philosophy is that quality sleep factors in many details that take place throughout a 24- hour day. I like to dive into screen time usage, nutrition, exercise, and other aspects to pinpoint any external causes of sleep disturbances.
Sleep is complex, and because of that, I want to present your family with a method that feels doable and realistic, but will also allow you to achieve your goals. My goal is to prepare a sustainable plan that works for your family. Let’s get your entire household feeling rested and rejuvenated!
Many factors influence how soon a family will see changes
in their child’s sleep. The age of the child, which sleep issue(s) we are looking to resolve and how consistent you are in following the plan, all influence this timeline.
Each child’s personality is different, so it can be hard to answer this question definitively. I will say that when families are committed and consistent, they notice changes within the first week (sometimes in as little as a few days).
Lasting change takes time and consistency, so I ask my family to give 100% to the sleep plan while working together. We want to establish a new routine for your little one and not cause confusion to their body clock through inconsistently following the plan.
Nighttime sleep often comes together faster than if we were looking to improve early morning wakings or naps. As long as a family stays consistent in their approach, these issues typically resolve within 4-6 weeks. This is one of the main reasons I prefer to offer longer packages. My goal is to help you achieve your desired results and have support as you get there. I know there is a higher success rate of lasting change if you feel confident in your child’s new routine.
Nope! I’d never ask you to give up feeds during the night unless you want to make that transition and your child meets specific criteria to do so.
There are benefits to dropping night feeds (or reducing the number of them) in particular cases. Pediatrician approval, medical concerns and your child’s age play into how many feeds should occur throughout the night. Sometimes when baby starts to get more sleep, they drop feeds on their own. It’s incredible to see this transition happen naturally when a baby favours sleep over a comfort feed.
If a parent chooses to keep a comfort night feed, I make sure to cover realistic expectations around sleep goals they have set. Keeping a sleep prop typically involves slower or less progress and this is a choice that some families consciously make. For some parents, any improvement to sleep is a win and for others, meeting a desired goal requires letting go of props completely. Each family is different and knows what is sustainable for them long term. I do not judge but will be clear about the outcomes of ‘cherry picking’ the advice within your sleep plan.
Some families I talk to believe their child is beyond help and are genuinely skeptical that positive change can be made.
My goal is to set you up for success. I will ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire before beginning our work together so I can understand your current situation, sleep goals, and family values. Although I cannot do the work for you, I will be available to answer questions or concerns that rise up, cheer you on and support you as you implement the plan.
There will be an improvement for families that honestly and consistently adhere to the custom plan I have created for them. Those families that don’t completely reach their goals have often been inconsistent in their approach (which causes confusion for their little ones), or it might take a little more time staying committed to the plan before you see the full benefit of your efforts. Some sleep changes take a little longer to stick because internal body clocks can take on average of 4-6 weeks to adjust. Keep up the good work and continue to follow the plan and in time you’ll see improvements.
Luckily most pediatric sleep issues are behavioural and not medical, so results can be seen during our time together.
Of the very few who do not meet their goals, there is often an undiagnosed underlying medical condition at play. I am not your child’s medical professional, but if I see any red flags, I will advise you to follow up with a trained and qualified medical professional. Health issues that can negatively impact sleep include sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, food intolerances, allergies, lip or tongue ties, etc. If your child has been diagnosed with any of these concerns and they are being managed through a medical professional, it is still possible to see improvements in sleep and reach your rest goals. Sometimes progress is slower in these situations, but it does come.
No matter how you choose to feed your baby, you can establish healthy sleep habits right from the beginning.
For breastfeeding mothers, quality sleep for both you and baby can actually improve your nursing relationship. If a mother struggles with chronic sleep deprivation, it can affect her mood, nutrition intake and negatively impact her milk supply.
If your baby is constantly in a state of over-tiredness, it can cause hyperarousal and irritability, which can make feeds more challenging. Also, a baby dealing with chronic fatigue often falls asleep during feeds, which can turn off our feed into a snack and snooze. I’m a massive supporter of sleeping in for it, so we will make sure our customer’s plan accommodates both
I never want money to be the deciding factor in getting more quality sleep. Rest assured, I do offer payment options! We can discuss a payment plan that works for your family in more detail as we work together.
Sleep consultants are trained professionals who take the mystery out of sleep issues. They gather information about your current situation, struggles, and parenting preferences. A sleep coach will then create a sleep plan with easy-to-follow steps. A certified pediatric sleep consultant’s most significant role is connecting with and supporting a family as the plan is implemented. I’m here to cheer you on and answer any questions that come up during the process. Sometimes tweaks need to be made to wake windows or the daily schedule, and I’ll be the one to guide and educate you on how to navigate those changes. The support portion of my work is where the value comes in. I spend time connecting with my families and supporting them as they implement their plan.
Although cry-it-out can be an effective sleep training method (if done correctly), I do not use it with any of the families I support. I find that when families come to me, they are looking for a holistic, supportive and responsive method to improve their child’s sleep situation. No one approach is 100% tears-free, but I do all I can to minimize the intensity and length of the protest.
All human beings, no matter their age, resist change to one degree or another, especially when it impacts their sleep environment or habits. For infants and young children crying is the only way these displeasures can be communicated. We’ll spend time together reframing what crying means during the sleep training process, and I’ll do all I can to ease your mind when faced with your child’s protests to change.
I want you to understand and feel comfortable that there will be a certain level of protest from your babe as we alter their sleep situation. Your little one’s personality, along with other factors will play into how much protest we see.
Remember that change can be challenging for anyone, and children often process their big emotions through tears. The good news is that no matter the level of protest at the beginning, most families notice a dramatic decrease in tears and protest within 3-5 days of implementing their plan. Once your little one gets more quality sleep, you will likely also see an improved mood, fewer midday meltdowns and less time spent protesting the new sleep structure. Sleep is a powerful tool for physical health, emotional regulation, and overall mood.
I work with families who are struggling with one or more aspects connected to their child’s sleep. My focus is on the 0 to 5 year age range. Every family dynamic is different, so I’m ready to personalize sleep for your home.
Regardless of your parenting title (single, co-parenting, foster, of multiples, first timer, seasoned, involved grandparent, etc.) I’m here to support you in all things sleep.
I want to work with families committed to the process; making changes can sometimes be challenging, but the effort is well worth the reward! I’ll be there to support you every step of the way. With the modern benefits of technology, I work with families internationally, even though I’m based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’m accommodating of different time zones, so don’t let that deter you from us working together!
I prefer to work on sleep holistically and gently. My custom sleep plans typically involve a parent-present approach, which offers support and comfort for your little one. The goal is NOT to have YOU fix your child’s sleep issues but instead support THEM as they build confidence in their ability to fall asleep independently.
My philosophy is that quality sleep factors in many details that take place throughout a 24- hour day. I like to dive into screen time usage, nutrition, exercise, and other aspects to pinpoint any external causes of sleep disturbances.
Sleep is complex, and because of that, I want to present your family with a method that feels doable and realistic, but will also allow you to achieve your goals. My goal is to prepare a sustainable plan that works for your family. Let’s get your entire household feeling rested and rejuvenated!
Many factors influence how soon a family will see changes
in their child’s sleep. The age of the child, which sleep issue(s) we are looking to resolve and how consistent you are in following the plan, all influence this timeline.
Each child’s personality is different, so it can be hard to answer this question definitively. I will say that when families are committed and consistent, they notice changes within the first week (sometimes in as little as a few days).
Lasting change takes time and consistency, so I ask my family to give 100% to the sleep plan while working together. We want to establish a new routine for your little one and not cause confusion to their body clock through inconsistently following the plan.
Nighttime sleep often comes together faster than if we were looking to improve early morning wakings or naps. As long as a family stays consistent in their approach, these issues typically resolve within 4-6 weeks. This is one of the main reasons I prefer to offer longer packages. My goal is to help you achieve your desired results and have support as you get there. I know there is a higher success rate of lasting change if you feel confident in your child’s new routine.
Nope! I’d never ask you to give up feeds during the night unless you want to make that transition and your child meets specific criteria to do so.
There are benefits to dropping night feeds (or reducing the number of them) in particular cases. Pediatrician approval, medical concerns and your child’s age play into how many feeds should occur throughout the night. Sometimes when baby starts to get more sleep, they drop feeds on their own. It’s incredible to see this transition happen naturally when a baby favours sleep over a comfort feed.
If a parent chooses to keep a comfort night feed, I make sure to cover realistic expectations around sleep goals they have set. Keeping a sleep prop typically involves slower or less progress and this is a choice that some families consciously make. For some parents, any improvement to sleep is a win and for others, meeting a desired goal requires letting go of props completely. Each family is different and knows what is sustainable for them long term. I do not judge but will be clear about the outcomes of ‘cherry picking’ the advice within your sleep plan.
Some families I talk to believe their child is beyond help and are genuinely skeptical that positive change can be made.
My goal is to set you up for success. I will ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire before beginning our work together so I can understand your current situation, sleep goals, and family values. Although I cannot do the work for you, I will be available to answer questions or concerns that rise up, cheer you on and support you as you implement the plan.
There will be an improvement for families that honestly and consistently adhere to the custom plan I have created for them. Those families that don’t completely reach their goals have often been inconsistent in their approach (which causes confusion for their little ones), or it might take a little more time staying committed to the plan before you see the full benefit of your efforts. Some sleep changes take a little longer to stick because internal body clocks can take on average of 4-6 weeks to adjust. Keep up the good work and continue to follow the plan and in time you’ll see improvements.
Luckily most pediatric sleep issues are behavioural and not medical, so results can be seen during our time together.
Of the very few who do not meet their goals, there is often an undiagnosed underlying medical condition at play. I am not your child’s medical professional, but if I see any red flags, I will advise you to follow up with a trained and qualified medical professional. Health issues that can negatively impact sleep include sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, food intolerances, allergies, lip or tongue ties, etc. If your child has been diagnosed with any of these concerns and they are being managed through a medical professional, it is still possible to see improvements in sleep and reach your rest goals. Sometimes progress is slower in these situations, but it does come.
No matter how you choose to feed your baby, you can establish healthy sleep habits right from the beginning.
For breastfeeding mothers, quality sleep for both you and baby can actually improve your nursing relationship. If a mother struggles with chronic sleep deprivation, it can affect her mood, nutrition intake and negatively impact her milk supply.
If your baby is constantly in a state of over-tiredness, it can cause hyperarousal and irritability, which can make feeds more challenging. Also, a baby dealing with chronic fatigue often falls asleep during feeds, which can turn off our feed into a snack and snooze. I’m a massive supporter of sleeping in for it, so we will make sure our customer’s plan accommodates both
I never want money to be the deciding factor in getting more quality sleep. Rest assured, I do offer payment options! We can discuss a payment plan that works for your family in more detail as we work together.